Implementation proposal of Mars GNSS

Abstract. This paper aims to describe the proposal for the implementation of a possible global navigation satellite system for planetary exploration systems on Mars.

The implementation of the system is divided into several individual phases. Each phase will need to be carried out separately by the responsible institution or research body. System FATIMA will serve as a universal system for positioning, navigation, and time services on Mars and will open the door for future human exploration of this planet. The planetary and GNSS research related to this work is being conducted in the Faculty of Aeronautics of the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia (EU).

A research paper published as a contribution to Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists and Researchers (link). Faculty of Aeronautics of Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia, European Union, 2015.

Proceedings publication July 2015.

ISBN 978-80-553-2136-3

DOWNLOAD the proceedings online here

Keywords: GNSS, planetary exploration systems, Mars, satellite navigation system for Mars, system FATIMA

Author: Dr. Jozef Kozar * (author’s profile here)

* Faculty of Aeronautics of Technical University of Kosice & Science Mars Journal

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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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