Southern Delta Aquariids, 22 July 2017

Last Saturday’s night I have randomly set the camera to take a long exposition targeted at Aquarius constellation on the night sky.

My plan was just to try the settings of the camera. Randomly I have taken a photo of three meteors. According to the results of the simulation which I did a day later on my computer and with comparison with the data that I have from astronomical almanach, I have identified these as Southern Delta Aquariids.

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You can see them in the bottom part of the image above as the very tiny and short lines. Maybe you will need to click on the image – it will open a larger image in a new window, but you will be able to see more details.

Some details about this meteor shower (source Wikipedia):

The Southern Delta Aquariids are a meteor shower visible from mid July to mid August each year with peak activity on July 28 or 29 July. The shower originated from the breakup of what are now the Marsden and Kracht Sungrazing comets.

The Southern Delta Aquariids are considered a strong shower, with an average meteor observation rate of 15–20 per hour, and a peak zenith hourly rate of 18. The average radiant is at RA=339°, DEC=−17°.

Moon Atlas

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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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