M87 with a black hole in the center

Few days ago was published the first photo of a black hole in the center of M87 galaxy. Can you imagine a photo of the same black hole taken with a less powerful telescope?

Take a look at this one. I have taken this photo with a robotic telescope in Amado, Arizona.

M87 with a black hole in the center

M87 – post processed photo. The black hole is in the center of M87 galaxy on this photo. Image credit: Jozef Kozar.

The original raw photo that was taken by the telescope is the below one:

M87 – raw photo. The black hole is in the center of M87 galaxy on this photo. Image credit: Jozef Kozar.

The settings of the telescope:

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Object: Virgo A M87
Date: Tue, May 14, 2019
Start Exposure: 09:24:14 PM
Location: Amado, Arizona, USA

Camera: Main
Exposure Time: 60.00 sec.
Filter: Clear
Focus Value: 1775
Zoom: Out

Right Ascension: 12h 31.8m
Declination: 12 degrees 17 minutes

Altitude: 70 degrees 36.9 minutes
Azimuth: 179 degrees 33.8 minutes

Hour Angle: -1h 59.4m
Local Siderial Time: 05:30:02
Greenwich Mean Time: 04:24:14
End Exposure: 09:25:16 PM
Longitude: 110.88
Latitude: 31.68
Tracking: Sidereal
CCD Temp: 273.00
Ambient Temp: 296.00
Circuit Temp: n/a
Finder Offsets: none

Moon Atlas

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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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