Cloudy weather for astronomer?

Cloudy weather for astronomer? No problem for astronomer Ringo! Look at his happy smile while relaxing at the observatory’s gardens.

We can say that this month’s best planetary-astronomy challenge is watching a planet Jupiter. Because on June 11, was Jupiter at its closest distance from the Earth for this year, which means 640 860 000 km (6.28 AU). This is something perfect, but can you imagine a planned observation with a combination of the cloudy sky? This is something what can change everything.

Cloudy weather for astronomer?

But this is not a problem, when you can spend a nice time outside, just walking around places you like and where you feel well. One of these places are of course – locations connected to the universe.

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Are you planning your observation of Jupiter? Check the planet’s visibility here.

Beautiful garden of the observatory offers you a very nice opportunity for relax:

And here is Ringo with a “real” UFO that crashed on this place some time ago!

I am pretty sure that Ringo liked this day full of discoveries.

Moon Atlas

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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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