When the Moon touches the Earth under falling stars

Have you ever seen the Moon “touching” planet Earth? Yes, I am not joking. You can meet the Moon in person tonight at Kravi hora in Brno.

I have received an invitation email for tonight’s public observation of Perseid meteor shower at the observatory of Brno. So if you are located nearby and you want to see the “falling stars”, then do not hesitate to visit this magic place. In this occasion you will meet the big inflated Moon in person.

big inflatable Moon

Although I will not be able to go there, I am sure that you will enjoy the observation. Brno observatory is an excellent place where you can really feel the universe, trust me, I have been there more than once 🙂

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[1]”Noc padajících hvězd | Sportovní a rekreační areál Kraví hora”, Kravihora-brno.cz, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.kravihora-brno.cz/akce/noc-padajicich-hvezd-1. [Accessed: 12- Aug- 2019].


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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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