IT tricks: Different wallpaper on dual monitors in Windows 10
How to set different wallpapers on dual monitors in Windows 10
- Right-click your desktop background and select “Personalize” from the menu.
- In the new menu, browse for the images you want. Select one image, then do the same and select another image.
- Then right-click the images you want from this bar. Small menu will appear, now you can set the image for the monitor you want.
- Set the first image as the background on your first monitor.
- Now set the second image as the background on your second monitor.
- Now you are done.
And when you want to have just one image as a wallpaper across both monitors?
- Follow the instructions as written above, select the desired image and set it as wallpaper.
- You do not need to select the second image.
- Now under “Choose a fit,” select the option “Span”.
- The image will fill both monitors.
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