Do you know how Mars and the Moon “smell”?

Have you ever wondered what Mars or the Moon smells like? Yes, this question is a bit ambiguous, because in this place I would like to introduce you to two interesting fragrances from the production of our small family company Tiara. These are two unique perfumes – Mars for men and Luna for ladies.

Both perfumes are very specific in that they meet the conditions for the concentration of aromatic substances as a normal perfume, while in their production the possibility of spraying was preserved, similar to perfumed waters. For this reason, both perfumes are in 50 ml bottles with a sprayer.

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Both perfumes were launched in the summer of 2023, maybe you’ve heard of them, or maybe you haven’t. Gradually, they began to gain their users, especially among people who like space. Recently, they are becoming popular with a much larger spectrum of interested parties. Would you like to be among the first users of these perfumes? Try to see both perfumes on the Tiara website, where both perfumes are described in detail, including the possibility of ordering.

Moon Atlas

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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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