Mars GNSS & Moon GNSS

Concept of the Moon GNSS System (research project “Lunar Vision”. Author: Dr. Kozár.

Press release December 07, 2024.

So far, we know only about one planet in our Solar System, where life is confirmed. The mentioned planet is our home – the Earth. But there is also one other planet – our neighbor – where we know that only the robots “live”. The planet inhabited by robots is Mars. A human mission to Mars will become a reality in the coming years, but until then, many other steps must be taken. We know, that one of the best options for flying humans to Mars, is from our Moon. For this option, we will need to build a permanent base on the surface of the Moon. A permanent base can also be created on the Lunar orbit – to avoid other risks. For both options, we will need a system that will offer immediate positioning and time services. This system will be based on a standard GNSS basis, like the well-known GPS on Earth. This system will need to be built exactly on the Moon’s planetary characteristics.

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My continuous research of the concept of the Global Navigation Satellite System for Mars brought positive results and in my continuing research, I am focusing on the application of the gathered knowledge and research results to design and study a possible concept of the Global Navigation Satellite System for the Moon. According to my current research results, I assume that such a system is possible to be built and operated in the future. The Lunar GNSS will bring many unique features and services for all human and robotic exploration missions and will make the step to Mars even easier and more possible.

The research of the Global Navigation Satellite System for the Moon started in the first half of 2024 and will continue in 2025.

Related article “We are getting back to the Moon – With Moon Satellite Navigation System

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Moon Atlas

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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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