Kniha: Volodymyr Zelenskyj
Pred niekoľkými týždňami som v jednom z internetových obchodov videl v ponuke plánovanú knihu o Ukrajinskom prezidentovi Volodymyrovi Zelenskom.
author, research scientist
Pred niekoľkými týždňami som v jednom z internetových obchodov videl v ponuke plánovanú knihu o Ukrajinskom prezidentovi Volodymyrovi Zelenskom.
EN / Featured / Publishing Tips for Authors / Reviews, Guides, Tips
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published October 11, 2022 · Last modified September 21, 2024
Maybe you were already thinking about publishing your own book, or just some collection of your ideas, poems, or short stories.
Je to už niekoľko rokov, odkedy pôsobím mimo Slovenska a je to taktiež niekoľko rokov, čo som sa naposledy prechádzal v kampuse Technickej univerzity v Košiciach.
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published August 25, 2022 · Last modified August 30, 2022
I got one very old laptop, I think that it was bought sometime in 2005 as a new machine. The problem with this laptop was that the operating system there was not usable anymore....
Je to už 33 rokov od prvých snímkov planéty Neptún z blízkej vzdialenosti.
I remember that once I was “corrected” by one Dutch amateur astronomer that “the planet Uranus cannot be simply visible” by a telescope from the Earth.
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published July 19, 2022 · Last modified December 11, 2023
The Observatory and Planetarium of Brno is well known for their excellent programs for the public.
I have found a short fiction story that I wrote maybe in 2005. It was forgotten, recorded on an old floppy diskette. After many years I managed to read the content of that floppy...