Magic Jupiter and its own “planetary” system
Jupiter – the largest planet in the Solar System is specific not only because of its size, but also because of its system of moons that reminds in a some way a “mini Solar...
author, research scientist
Jupiter – the largest planet in the Solar System is specific not only because of its size, but also because of its system of moons that reminds in a some way a “mini Solar...
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published December 24, 2021 · Last modified October 11, 2022
The artificial intelligence is becoming an unseparable part of not just a business or internet, but even more important – the part of science and research of any field of interest.
Kamarát zo Slovenska mi poslal niekoľko pekných fotiek Lomnického štítu. Fotené boli 12. decembra 2021. Príjemné pripomenutie si Tatier, ako si ich pamätám.
Najnovšie dáta potenciálne nebezpečných asteroidov, planétiek, prípadne iných objektov, sú k dispozícii s poslednou aktualizáciou k 6. decembru 2021.
I would like to share with you some beautiful photos of some of the planets of the Solar System that have been taken recently by the Hubble Space Telescope.
EN / Mars / Planetary science
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published November 25, 2021 · Last modified December 17, 2022
These days it has been almost 26 years since the time when I was reading one of my very first books about Astronomy and I stopped on one of the pages.
I would like to thank you all for your feedbacks that you provided me on my book “Moon Atlas”. I very appreciate your interest in the second edition of this book. Some of you...
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