Author: Dr. Jozef Kozár

Polárna žiara viditeľná z Česka a Slovenska

Polárna žiara viditeľná z Česka a Slovenska

Silnejúca slnečná aktivita za posledné dni nám umožní vidieť polárnu žiaru (aurora borealis) z Česka, Slovenska a iných miest v strednej európe. Predpoveď na nasledujúce dni od piatku 29.10.2021 do nedele 31.10.2021 je na...

Autumn and Moon

Autumn and Moon

Outside it is getting colder in the night these days, so when you are observing the night sky, do not forget to wear something warm 🙂

Watching Jupiter from the backyard

Watching Jupiter from the backyard

The image above is from the simulation software and displays the prediction how the Jupiter and its moons should have been visible at the given time of the observation (5th of September 2021). Photo...

Saturn – testing new optics

Saturn – testing new optics

I have finally received my new eyepiece and tested it with my telescope. Here are some first results of photos of Saturn. Actually when watching Saturn directly through the eyepiece, it is excellently sharp...