Mars and Venus with single camera
For the last couple of days I have been just a little bit busy to do some serious amateur astronomy observation with my telescope. However I have take these two photos of planets Mars...
For the last couple of days I have been just a little bit busy to do some serious amateur astronomy observation with my telescope. However I have take these two photos of planets Mars...
EN / Mars / Planetary science
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published November 29, 2016 · Last modified October 24, 2022
When doing research and study of some features and images taken by HiRISE camera, I have found this interesting picture.
Can you imagine how “big” is the Universe? If you are looking at the nigh sky, just simply imagine a very small square of 2 mm x 2 mm.
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published November 23, 2016 · Last modified March 29, 2021
Where on Earth is now a day and where is a night? I have created a small application below, displaying the map and the daylight on Earth. Enjoy!
EN / Mars / Planetary science
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published November 23, 2016 · Last modified October 24, 2022
Where on Mars is now a day and where is a night? I have created a small application below, displaying the map and the daylight on Mars. Enjoy!
A few days ago, there was a public open day at Technical University of Kosice. In occassion of this annual event, I have helped to promote the Space Technology department of Faculty of Aeronautics...
Hello my visitors, thanks for coming back after some time. I had to do some maintenance of this website. I have finally updated the design and the structure of this site.
EN / News / Photos and events
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published October 19, 2016 · Last modified December 11, 2023
Together with our students we were watching the ESA’s ExoMars 2016 mission – orbit insertion of TGO (Trace Gas Orbiter) and the landing of module Schiaparelli.
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