Author: Tiffany Kai



Did you know this interesting thing about the planets in our galaxy?

Hubble: New Multiwavelength Galaxy View

Hubble: New Multiwavelength Galaxy View

This picture is composed of a whopping ten different Hubble images, each filtered to collect light from a specific wavelength or range of wavelengths. It spans Hubble’s sensitivity to light, from ultraviolet through visible light and into the near-infrared spectrum. Capturing such a wide range of wavelengths allows astronomers to study information about many different…

Perseverance Rover

Perseverance Rover

The Perseverance Mars rover is part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the Red Planet. A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial life.Perseverance is investigating Jezero Crater – a region of Mars where the ancient environment may have…

Europa Clipper: Spacecraft

Europa Clipper: Spacecraft

Unique spacecraft to study Europa, moon of Jupiter. Meet Europa Clipper.