Life in space
Like many other scientists, I use to spend a lot of time with reading and analysis of various research papers. Many of us are looking for a signs of life in space. What do...
Like many other scientists, I use to spend a lot of time with reading and analysis of various research papers. Many of us are looking for a signs of life in space. What do...
Have you ever seen the Moon “touching” planet Earth? Yes, I am not joking. You can meet the Moon in person tonight at Kravi hora in Brno.
Yesterday I used the opportunity to take a photo of planet Saturn with my digital compact camera. I was wondering if it even could be possible, but after a few minutes of post-processing of...
Yesterday you probably noticed a very nice and photogenic situation on the night sky. Jupiter was in a close conjunction with the Moon.
Have you ever observed the South Pole of the Moon? I have taken some photos with my camera a few days ago.
EN / Mars / Planetary science
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published July 31, 2019 · Last modified October 24, 2022
Have you ever seen the details if the north pole of Mars?
EN / Planetary science / Space Systems
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published July 22, 2019 · Last modified October 11, 2022
These days we are celebrating the 50′ anniversary of the Apollo mission to the Moon. I have collected some of the photos that I have taken during the exhibition last year.
Are you ready to watch tonight’s lunar eclipse? Have you ever thought how it will be visible not from the Earth, but from the Moon instead?