Mars at opposition 2018

Mars at opposition 2018

In positional astronomy, two astronomical objects are said to be in opposition when they are on opposite sides of the celestial sphere, as observed from the Earth. A planet is said to be “in...

Galaxy NGC 253

Galaxy NGC 253

This is the second image taken during my observation on Monday this week. It is a photo of galaxy NGC 253. The image is a result of processed stack layers and of the dark...

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy

The first image of my observation of M51 Whirlpool Galaxy on Monday (July 09, 2018) this week with one of the robotic telescopes. The image is result of processed stack layers and of the...

Lagoon Nebula

Lagoon Nebula

Result of the processed raw image of the Lagoon Nebula – exported in the red shift of the spectrum.