Venus in the Sunset sky
I would like to share with you one photo of planet Venus which I took right after the Sunset. With my mobile phone.
Lightnings in Cb cloud, Lignano, Italy
While walking on the beach in the night, under the totally clear night sky, there was just a one cloud.
Moonrise above the Adriatic Sea
Photo taken with my mobile phone – Moon above the sea. You may say that I am maybe lazy to take my camera everywhere I go. But the truth is that we were walking...
New book how you can earn money online!
Let me introduce you my new book about how you can earn money online. This book will help you to create your own dream job and become independent.
My name in space: InSight
Mission: InSight Target: Mars Current position: Elysium Planitia 4.5024°N 135.6234°E Operator: NASA Launch: May 5, 2018 Landed: 26 November 2018, 20:53 CET Landing location: Elysium Planitia 4.5°N 135.0°E, Mars Mission: Study the interior and...
Launch of InSight – LIVE
Are you ready to watch the live coverage of NASA’s InSight mission to Mars? Join me online.
Venus right after the Sunset
Photo of planet Venus just right after the sunset. Date: March 22, 2018.