PF 2017

PF 2017

I wish you all only the best in the New Year 2017, lot of health, happiness, love and peace! I am attaching the photo of this year’s last Sunset in Europe, taken by single...

Mars and Venus with single camera

Mars and Venus with single camera

For the last couple of days I have been just a little bit busy to do some serious amateur astronomy observation with my telescope. However I have take these two photos of planets Mars...

Telescope is a time machine

Telescope is a time machine

Can you imagine how “big” is the Universe? If you are looking at the nigh sky, just simply imagine a very small square of 2 mm x 2 mm.

Day/Night map of Earth

Day/Night map of Earth

Where on Earth is now a day and where is a night? I have created a small application below, displaying the map and the daylight on Earth. Enjoy!

My space posters presented for public

My space posters presented for public

A few days ago, there was a public open day at Technical University of Kosice. In occassion of this annual event, I have helped to promote the Space Technology department of Faculty of Aeronautics...