Would you like to reach a wide range of experts and present your services or products to them?
Are you a professional? Then you are in the right place. I offer you a unique opportunity to show yourself to my readers.
You have a unique opportunity to advertise your services or products directly on the pages of this web journal (Planetary, ISSN 2788-3582), or the pages of the “Mars Exploration Digest” (ISSN 2788-225X, special supplement of Planetary).
What is the focus of this journal?
This web journal, which you are currently on, is one of the few unique web portals that focus on detailed and regular reporting on the news in robotic planetary exploration, planetary astronomy, nature, and education. The thematic focus also covers related fields, especially various information and advice for publishing, studying, etc.
Why advertise here?
I guarantee the high quality and expertise of the posts in this journal directly through my education, scientific research, authorship, and many years of experience in the field.
Language mutations of this web journal
Linguistically, this journal is divided into English and Slovak parts, which complement each other. The vast majority of visitors are also oriented toward foreign languages and are English speakers in their expertise, so the web journal is not strictly divided into only English and Slovak versions. The readers themselves welcome the current setting of the web journal from this point of view. Most of the visitors are English speakers, but the articles of the web journal are covering also Slovak and Czech audiences.
Demographics of traffic to this web journal
The readership of this web journal is made up of the professional public from the ranks of students, teachers, future and current authors, as well as researchers focusing on natural and technical sciences. A large part of the audience consists of those interested in astronomy, but also readers from the ranks of the public who like to read interesting things from the fascinating world of space exploration.
The audience of this journal is made up of a mix of regular returning visitors, readers, and new visitors.
The average time a visitor spends on pages of this web journal ranges from 3 min to 16 min, with most visitors usually reading more than one article.
Geographical indicators of the journal’s visitors for the entire duration of its existence show an even distribution of interested parties from Slovakia, as well as from Czech and English-speaking countries. Attendance is also relatively high from other countries, as English is the common and primary communication tool of all those interested in the thematic area of this web journal.
For an advertiser from any country, the placement of an advertisement or banner on pages of this web journal is interesting mainly from the point of view of the high quality of the posts and their regularity, but especially from the point of view of the number of visitors and the readership of individual articles.
Possibility of advertising in specialized supplement
The supplement of the Planetary web journal with a special focus on Mars, is registered by the Czech National Technical Library in Prague and has been assigned an international number for periodicals ISSN 2788-225X. If you are interested in advertising, do not hesitate to contact us directly via email.
Possibilities and forms of advertising
We offer you the opportunity to advertise your ad or banner on pages of this web journal and in the special supplement “Mars Exploration Digest” in the following ways:
- Banner advertising in the form of an advertising banner.
- Sponsored posts in the form of articles about your products or services.
- Sponsored posts in the form of videos, or another suitable form.
- Placing online courses or selling your products.
- Advertising for education and schools and universities.
- Advertising for conferences.
- The possibility of publishing vacancies with a focus on finding top experts in any direction in the field of STEM (natural and technical sciences) – take advantage of the opportunity to attract experts from abroad – this blog is popular even abroad among the people you may be looking for.
Price list for advertising
Do not hesitate to contact us directly for a quote regarding advertising. Describe your requirements, or we can consult the details, specifically which of the forms of promotion and advertising you would be interested in.
- If you need to publish a graphic banner but don’t have one, we can create one for you.
- Remember the possibility of publishing an ad not only on the pages of this web journal but also in its special supplement, “Mars Exploration Digest.”
Jozef Kozár, PhD.
Brno, Czech Republic, European Union
Czech Business ID number (ICO): 17965900
E-mail: Please use the contact form and I will reply to you as soon as possible.