How to improve self confidence
Have you ever felt about yourself, that there is something you cannot achieve? Or is there anything that you think […]
[Blog Journal by Jozef Kozár, PhD]
ISSN 2788-3582
A New Feature:
Have you ever felt about yourself, that there is something you cannot achieve? Or is there anything that you think […]
Nestled atop Mars Hill in Flagstaff, Arizona, sits a beacon of astronomical discovery and historical significance: Lowell Observatory. More than […]
Imagine yourself cruising along the open road, with the sun shining high and the wind gently caressing your face. In […]
Nestled among the majestic San Francisco Peaks, Flagstaff, Arizona, stands as a beacon for stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts alike. With […]
Pripravujem pre vás novinku – už onedlho bude spustená slovenská verzia prémiového obsahu. Nezmeškajte túto príležitosť a zaregistrujte sa. Viete […]
Ste doma na Slovensku? Skúste sa pozrieť dnes večer na oblohu – koľko planét vidíte?
Už ste niekedy mali možnosť poobzerať si sondu Curiosity zblízka, jej podvozok, robotické rameno, a podobne? Výber z výskumu Marsu: […]
V týchto dňoch by mal byť zo Slovenska krásne viditeľný Mars. Stačí, ak sa na večernú oblohu okolo 22:30 pozriete […]