Tagged: astrophotography
Moon and Sigma Leonis
Tonight I have taken a photo of of the star Sigma Leonis. This star is beyond the visibility of naked eye, because its magnitude is 10.25.
Southern Delta Aquariids, 22 July 2017
Last Saturday’s night I have randomly set the camera to take a long exposition targeted at Aquarius constellation on the night sky.
Saturn with single camera
A photo of planet Saturn below, was taken with single camera (without telescope or any additional lens).
Some photos of Moon
After a long time I am finally back to my blog. Quite busy last couple of weeks did not allow me to post anything new, however I have taken some nice photos.
Jupiter with meteor
Some “retro” style photo of Jupiter and the surrounding stars. And the meteor catched on the second picture.
Pleiades M45
Yesterday I tried to take a photo of M45 Pleiades. It was pretty freezing outside, almost – 16 degrees C. So I had to be quick, the photo was taken with just single camera,...