Odyssey captures huge volcano
The recent horizon imaging was conceived as an experiment many years ago during the landings of NASA’s Phoenix mission in 2008 and the Curiosity rover in 2012. As with other Mars landings before and...
The recent horizon imaging was conceived as an experiment many years ago during the landings of NASA’s Phoenix mission in 2008 and the Curiosity rover in 2012. As with other Mars landings before and...
Niektorí ľudia sa ma zvyknú spýtať, ako som sa dostal k planétam. Skúsim to teda opísať, možno to niekoho inšpiruje, možno sa niektorí usmejete, každý ako si praje 🙂
SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy)NASA’s SOFIA was a modified Boeing 747SP aircraft carrying a reflecting telescope that observed the cosmos in infrared light. SOFIA flew into Earth’s stratosphere, up to about 45,000 feet (13,700 meters), and collected data during 10-hour overnight flights, observing the Moon, planets, stars, nearby galaxies and more. SOFIA was a…
Voyager 2, ktorý sa v súšasnosti nachádza cca 19,9 miliardy kilometrov od Zeme, momentálne nie je schopný prijímať signály z kontrolného strediska. Čo sa vlastne stalo?
EN / Featured / Mars / Mars Exploration Digest / Planetary science
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published July 2, 2023 · Last modified October 4, 2023
A regular monthly digest of Mars research news for June 2023. PDF: Issue 9, Volume 2, ISSN 2788-225X.
Planéta Mars / SK Rubrika / Výber z výskumu Marsu
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published July 2, 2023 · Last modified August 1, 2023
Pravidelné mesačné zhrnutie noviniek z výskumu planéty Mars za jún 2023. Číslo PDF vydania 9, ročník 2, ISSN 2788-225X.
Pravidelné mesačné zhrnutie noviniek z výskumu planéty Mars za máj 2023. Číslo PDF vydania 8, ročník 2, ISSN 2788-225X.
EN / Mars / Mars Exploration Digest / Planetary science
by Dr. Jozef Kozár · Published June 7, 2023 · Last modified October 4, 2023
A regular monthly digest of Mars research news for May 2023. PDF: Issue 8, Volume 2, ISSN 2788-225X.
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